Nice to meet you!

I’m Dr. Arieahn—an intuitive mentor, teacher, author, international speaker, and group facilitator. Through virtual group events, online workshops, in-person retreats, and individual consultation sessions, I help my clients experience freedom, joy, and lifelong change.

I truly feel I was born to do this kind of work. I was born in the mid-1960s, a time of tumultuous change and social movements, where the feminist movement, anti-Vietnam War protests, growing environmental concerns, and the civil rights movement were all gathering momentum. Coming of age in the 1970s had an enormous influence on my worldview—and continues to influence the work I do now.

I am a cross-culturally trained licensed psychologist, teacher, healer, and leader of women. My soul’s purpose is to bring the divine feminine back into balance—the part of our consciousness that connects us to our intuition, feeling, nurturing, and interconnectedness. This is an energy that everyone has the ability to access and tap into—sometimes, you just need a guide to help.

The Start of My Journey

My own journey in this kind of work began in 1990 when I started teaching, coaching, and conducting intuitive readings. A few years later, I created my first workshop, Mastery Class, where I taught the principles of creative visualization, meditation, and accessing intuition.

Feeling that I needed to grow and expand my knowledge, I returned to school—earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Adult Development and Education in 2002 followed by a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in 2005. In 2006, I completed advanced training and certification in Equine-Assisted Growth and Learning to incorporate my life-long love of and connection to horses in my workshops and therapy work.

For over 20 years, I’ve taught formally in numerous higher education settings, including DePaul University, where I’m currently an Associate Professor, and as Adjunct Faculty at Fielding Graduate University and Pacifica Graduate Institute in California.

My areas of expertise are cross-cultural psychology and the exploration of Indigenous philosophies, psychologies, and cultural healing paradigms including connecting with nature and animals as a path to well-being. My writings, workshops and presentations center on connecting with our deep-ancestral wisdom to access healing, courage, and resilience.

Returning Full Circle to Where I Began

In addition to my academic career, I’ve been invited to speak and present internationally at events and conferences in my areas of practice and expertise for over a decade. Most recently, I presented “The Mountain Before Us and the Path Forward” to a group of leaders, faculty, and staff at Claremont College—a lecture about navigating post-pandemic challenges.

I’m the author of more than 20 college courses as well as numerous articles and book chapters. And, I’ve just recently self-published a book of my own: “Cages, Keys, and the Chatelaine: A Woman’s Book for Transformation.”

At this stage of my career, I am returning full circle to where I began, with decades of teaching and clinical practice behind me. Now, I’m focusing on using my gifts to help individuals and groups focus on their strengths, intuition, and inner wisdom to create the lives they love.

What is Intuitive Mentoring?

You’ll notice I talk frequently about “intuitive mentoring”—and you might be wondering what that is. In my mentoring practice, intuitive mentoring is a dual process. I utilize my intuitive skills for guiding my clients as well as simultaneously guiding them to access, strengthen, and trust their own intuitive skills.

Our intuition provides us with an inner voice—beyond logic and the learned responses that have been ingrained in us—revealing both who we are and the knowledge we’ve gained. If we listen, we can benefit from the creativity it offers, the feeling of confidence that it brings, and the healing power it possesses.

Book a Consult

If you’re looking to create the life that you so deeply deserve, I’d be honored to be your mentor on the journey. The first step is to book a consultation to see if we’d be a good fit for one another. Fill out this simple form, and I look forward to hearing from you! ~ Arieahn